Restoring Power for Station 2, 3, and 4 was done causing missions to repopulate but power stations are already green? -PreYeah
July 6, 2024, 8:33 a.m.

Not sure if this is even an issue but in going to the Ancient Caves: Barren Climate with Sparky, I ended up following the red, green, and blue tubes and taking out the Zant guards to the point that Sparky was able to interface with each of the power station which would light up the red/green/blue tube and the wall-mounted power station itself would go from orange to green. As a result, in the phone journal, these missions are now grayed out:

- "Restore Power to the Zant: Barren Climate - Station 2" - Let's find the second Power Station! Got it!
- "Restore Power to the Zant: Barren Climate - Station 3" - Let's find the third Power Station! Got it!

Today, went to do the same for the yellow, which was the only color pending, but ended up finding another power station (Sparky then says how the power to the entire community is down which explains why the Zant is reset, so we should be careful to not injure them) which then grayed out this mission in the phone journal:

- "Find a Power Station - Sparky says power is down? Let's get it running! Oh, so that's a Power Station! Let's find the rest of them!

As a result of this, I got more objectives added to my phone journal, being:

- "Restore Power to the Zant: Barren Climate - Station 2" - Let's find the second Power Station!
- "Restore Power to the Zant: Barren Climate - Station 3" - Let's find the third Power Station!
- "Restore Power to the Zant: Barren Climate - Season 4" - Let's find the last Power Station!

It essentially feels like the objectives have repeated and reactivated? To make sure, I followed the now-lit red tube and it took me to the power station which is already green and been cleared of a Zant captain? I can attach images of the journal and the ingame screenshots of standing around a already activated (green) power station.

I am wondering if this is now preventing me from furthering my mission with these caves?
I'm playing with Patch 4 live and on a XBox controller connected to my PC. Thanks!

Caves Battle PC

Upvotes: 1


Game Mechanics


Update (as of July 6, 2024): I activated the yellow power source (and realized that the green tube's power source which I had activated had turned itself off but the power station was still marked as green. One of the objectives that showed up in the phone journal was to find the main power source, which I did. There was a dialog from Sparky that said something about having to make sure all 4 power stations were online. I still went ahead and activated the main power source which then made me enter the boss battle with the 2 guardians before moving onto the forest. Seems like it resorted itself but was a bit confusing and misleading!