Bike and Scooter Slower than Running? -NessyNoName
July 8, 2024, 10:05 p.m.

I don't know if this is how its supposed to be or if my experience is a product of the game not running the smoothest on my PC, but I have had experience with both the bike and the scooter at this point and honestly I choose to run everywhere rather than use either of them. The bike is just plainly slower than running and somewhat difficult to maneuver around corners. I'd kind of accepted that the bike was not better than running and looked forward to the scooter finally being a faster option. I have not done my own testing, like, set up a race to see how much in-game time it takes to get from point A to point B running vs scooter, but they do not look or feel very different. The scooter has a noticeably slow acceleration and even at top speed I struggle to think it really would be faster than just running unless you were planning to travel a long distance in a straight line because the scooter fishtails something awful on every turn and slowing down to make the turn means you have to build up the acceleration speed again. The map is really big to just be running everywhere but that's what I've chosen to do because the speed increase of the bike or scooter seems negligible if its present at all, and the vehicles control very poorly. The extra storage isn't even really much of an incentive to me because I've just gotten used to dealing with the inventory space I have. I really think the vehicle performance needs to be tweaked or optimized to make them worthwhile.


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I do not find this to be the case with running, biking, and scooting to Philipp's taking me 93, 75, and 52 seconds respectively.