Unable to interact with anything or open inventory after cutscene -Njok
Aug. 23, 2024, 7:18 p.m.

I went to see Phillip Obeng for the first time to get blueprints and after I got out of the cutscene I could not leave his shop, interact with him or interact with anything. I also couldn't open my inventory. I could use the phone and all the apps on it fine.

Game Breaking Cutscene PC

Upvotes: 2


Game Mechanics


Same issue (although I can open my inventory). Happens after most hangouts and some battles and a few quest related cut scenes. Can sometimes be fixed by teleporting back to my last sleeping spot, but not today. Also can't go to sleep, so can't even save and quit without losing an entire day's progress. Just gotta wait out the day until I pass out I guess? I'm just going on hangout after hangout to pass time at this point ...


Update: Time isn't passing. It's been 23:30 for at least 5 minutes now. I've just been over to Zander's to watch a movie and it's still not time to pass out. If I have to redo today istg I'm going to cry.


Also, just remembered, this happened 4 or 5 times in a row during the first Farmer's Market. Every time I bought something, as well as when I opened my booth storage, and when I progressed to selling items. Fortunately each of those times teleporting back to my sleeping spot fixed it, but it was a major hassle nevertheless.


Apparently merely entering the caves is now enough to trigger this. Can't interact with any rocks, caches, or doorways. Can still battle. Have now worked out that if teleporting back to the sleeping spot doesn't fix the inability to interact with the environment, then, traveling to Higashi and back will. But I've spent all afternoon trying to get down to one particular cache to test some more gems and travelling to Higashi and back takes ages.


I play on Series S. If i have this bug i use the drone for a little moment and so i can fix it all the time