Naka part-time job?
NOT A BUG Suggestions/ Requests cainaeVT Cooking
Feb. 16, 2022, 6:15 p.m.

it makes me sad that Naka is in such a bad state and Hina is having such a hard time keeping it afloat on her own. conversation with Sebastian suggests that Hina has tried to hire people to help her cook at the cafe/restaurant before but it never worked out, which got me thinking: why not allow the player to work part-time at Naka to help the business flourish? maybe it could also get you some favor with Sebastian and Hina?

the player could cook orders and do a mini-game to fulfil each order, or if the minigame addition is too much, they could just grab ingredients from the storage closet or something and cook them up using the in-game cooking system. another way this could be done is just have it be a mini cutscene (like in the Persona games) showing the player cooking with some flavor text saying something like "You helped take care of the cooking at Naka." and then time passes to when Naka closes for the day. this could be an alternate way of getting money, and like i said before, a good way to get favor with Sebastian and Hina.


Feb. 18, 2022, 2:07 p.m.

We have a full story line for Naka, and Natalie already works there part time. Don't feel bad for them. :) We're avoiding having the player get too involved with the businesses, allowing more time to focus on your homestead.