Cannot Change First Digit Of Right Click To Select Exact Amount Mechanic Using Backspace
NOT A BUG Suggestions/ Requests pattanderson Vendor Menu
Feb. 22, 2022, 7:40 p.m.

When right clicking to bring up the slider that lets you select the exact amount of something you want, you can highlight it and type in your desired amount. However, you cannot backspace all of the digits away to type in 25 or 250 for instance, the 1 will always remain in front because the game is living generating results of that value. It does not seem to like NULL so will not let me delete to nothing then type 260 or 400 for instance. You can highlight the whole number, and even hold shift and use the arrow keys to highlight, but backspace will not let me reduce all these numbers.


Feb. 22, 2022, 9:26 p.m.

So this is a quality of life request to make it easier to change the numbers?