Fishing line having an episode above my head? -infektedsyringe
June 15, 2024, 2:42 a.m.

When ever I go to cast my line I can see the fishing line and bobber just.... like freaking out (sorry I can't really think of a better description) above my characters head.

Also the fish have a tendency to teleport behind my character while reeling them in and the rod acknowledges it and it looks like my character is fishing for land sharks.


Upvotes: 6


Game Mechanics


I also have the same problem. It will wig out over my head but then when I try to case anyway, nothing bites or it is above the water. I don't know how to fix it unless I go to the next day.


Mine is freaking out as well above my head and just not allowing me to fish in general. Casting our my line shows no indication of where it's going and some spots that are fishing areas won't allow me to fish.