Building large stone path bugged & item needs description -DeadlyNioHorrors
June 19, 2024, 8:21 p.m.

It appears the large stone path is bugged. I placed it in a 'L' shape and then around to the water tank and despite having enough stone it has the 'need materials effect' and even if i exit out the drone and manually click 'depoisit materials' it doesnt work. If I go into the drone to delete it, only half the stone path is deleted and the other bit is still wanting materials or disappear when sleeping or exiting the game.

(not a bug but mini suggestion, can you make it an option to have the paths without the gap inbetween sections? like a continous line)

Also cat water bowl and food bowl has the description 'needs desc'

Object Buildings Phone Apps Building PC

Upvotes: 1




*wont let me edit* and the other is still wanting materials and WONT disappear when sleeping or exiting.


woops saw this one after replying to the other one! Large paths should be fixed in the next patch :)