Dedicated input for picking up or dropping/placing 1 item out of large stack -Zefie
June 26, 2024, 8:54 p.m.

Currently, if you want to use items out of a large stack to cook more than just once or twice, the fastest option for controller is to continuously split the stack until it's gotten small enough that reducing the chosen split size to 1 is trivial. If you want to use a full stack of 100 to cook something that requires 1, that's 31 splits that need to occur. Not only does this clutter up the inventory, it's also very time-consuming.

I believe a dedicated input in item management UI screens could help this severely, as well as with other tasks. For example, I keep livestock food in a container near the animals, and usually only need to bring 1 straw, or 1 seed feed, etc, out of it to keep the coop well-maintained.

This could also be beneficial to PC players. I've noticed, in the cooking UI at least, that rightclick seems to do nothing, a potential key for their input? As well as the Xbox Y key for controllers.

Thank you for your consideration.

Cooking Crafting Controller PC

Upvotes: 4


Suggestions/ Requests


I am aware of the slider, but at least until the 13th split or so, ignoring it, pressing confirm, and re-splitting the stack is still significantly faster on controller.