Fishing in cave and other far away places freezes game on the fish info page -Eclipsa
June 26, 2024, 10:13 p.m.

While fishing in the caves, the first fish I caught and reeled in froze the game on the screen that tells you what size the fish is and its name until it eventually crashed making me lose my entire day of progress. This freezing on the info page also happened while fishing in the campground streams but with that, on the reel in and wait part it was flickering back and forth at a rapid rate until I pulled in the invisible fish. It still lead to the mc holding and invisible fish and just standing there until I had to use alt+F4 to get out of it. The campgrounds area all seems to have it with the wait and reel in when I see the fast flickering I just let the line break all the other times I have tried to fish there. While I was frozen on the fish info page no other interface would pull up not even return to last sleeping spot which is how I usually get out of some of the bugs.

Game Breaking Cutscene Fishing Caves

Upvotes: 1


User Interface


Hi sorry you are having problems fishing. There is a bug related to fishing at too high of an elevation. My guess is that this has something to do with that. To avoid this till its patched try fishing at level with the water, or as close as you can. Fishing off of high areas like docks and piers and high banks are not working as intended at the moment. Thank you!