Etsu dialogue & journal entry when asking "do you need anything?" after a hangout -spritzzzie
July 1, 2024, 12:32 a.m.

I hung out with Etsu at the park and afterwards asked if she needed anything. In her response dialogue, instead of specifying which item she needed and what the timeframe was, her name was filled into the dialogue (I don't have screenshots unfortunately so exact wording might not be correct) "I suppose I could use Etsu. Please get that to me before Etsu." Looking in my journal, the item she needs is "Toothache Tea." However the journal entry doesn't specify a time period, it says exactly: "Etsu asked me to fetch them 1x Toothache Tea. I have until the end of to send them the stuff they asked for."

NPC Writing Hangouts

Upvotes: 2


Game Mechanics


Hi the friend in need quests seem to not be pulling the correct info and either show up blank or as the string name. Sorry for the confusion till this is patched :)