Move a placed item off of your farm buildable area and exit build menu (by hitting 1 or 3) causes item to end up in a tree across the map
FIXED Game Mechanics FedoraGal Building
Feb. 15, 2022, 6:01 a.m.

The item or blueprint will end up in the air, in a tree over by the mine on the other side of the map.

Only able to see it with your drone. If you are crafty with the drone you can grab it and place it back on the farm.

Couldn't originally figure out how to delete things so I ended up with about 6 items in the tree. Then later on had this happen with my already crafted crafting bench.

Fully repeatable.

Only have the pic that I took in game from my phone. The spot is up and to the left when facing the mine entrance.


Feb. 15, 2022, 6:15 a.m.

I believe this also started happening after I did this the first time (flashing lights / objects near mine): When zoomed out away from this it appears to be random 2D effects flashing in the area, like a lightning bolt, and clouds. But really zoomed in and extra large.